Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hoyer Wins Majority Leader Race

According to C-Span, Congressman Steny Hoyer has been elected to Majority Leader.

The vote was 149 for Hoyer

86 for Murtha.

Ironic final tally isn't it?

and thus 149 Democrats have eighty-sixed the man who gave the Democrats some backbone when he began to speak out about the IRAQ war. And the only known Congressman to ever have been videotaped turning down a bribe. That tape was worth its weight in gold to Democrats if only they would have used it properly.

Congratulations to Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Hoyer.

Post Script on Friday Nov. 17th at 7:22 p.m.
Just checked the headlines on C-Span Capital News page. The poll question asked "Do you think it harms the Democrats that Nancy Pelosi backed John Murtha for majority leader?" Guess what? 83 % said "NO" it didn't hurt Nancy Pelosi.

Earlier today, I got so angry at Ruth Marcus appearing on the C-Span's Washington Journal that I broke a promise I made to myself to not send C-Span more than one e mail every 30 days. Ruth Marcus seemed to base her entire opinion of John Murtha on a 25 year old surveillance tape. And, more importantly, I didn't hear her answer the question she should have asked before she wrote the first word. Did she even think to ask in whose custody that tape has been? And, how can she be so certain the tape wasn't tampered with?

I do not understand why a tape of a man TURNING DOWN a bribe is supposed to convince us that Murtha is unfit to be the Majority Leader. The results prove one thing, NOT being a bribe-taker doesn't sit well with 149 Democrats.