While the Democratic Party Convention is moving along out in Denver, further north, in St. Paul, the Republicans are putting together their platform. I watched some of the debate which was being televised on C-Span 2. In the part I saw the committee members were talking about protecting children. No debate about the general concept, of course. The members got hung up on whether to use the word, girls, girls and boys. I didn't see the following debate about immigration. I hope C-Span re-airs this.
Immigration is just one of the areas where the draft platform sidesteps policies on which McCain has been out of sync with the base of his party.
Immigration Debate Stirs Up GOP Platform Meeting by Kathleen Hunter, CQ Staff
raised tension ahead of an anti-war march Thursday that is expected to be the week's largest demonstration.
Police Pepper-Spray Protesters; 100 Arrested by Dan Friedman, Aug. 26, 2008 National Journal.com
Meanwhile out in Denver:
HRC stole the show. Who didn't expect that? Clinton Ends Epic Battle Ends Gracefully by Edward Epstein, CQ Staff
Hillary Rodham Clinton stirred Democratic delegates Tuesday evening with a valedictory for her historic but ultimately unsuccessful presidential campaign and urged her supporters — some of whom are still smarting over her loss — to get behind Barack Obama in November.
At a lunch in Denver this week for election lawyers, corporate and union counsels, and a few reporters, Bauer described the campaign's voting-rights protection effort, the largest in the Democratic Party's history.
Obama Camp Lays Out Plan To Fight Voter Fraud by Marc Ambinder, Aug. 27, 2008 National Journal.com
One thing I have to criticize the Dems for is the late hour when their featured speaker finally makes it to the podium. Both nights, I fell asleep in my rocking chair while Michelle and HRC were talking. Thankfully, C-Span reaired both of these speeches and I was able to see it early the next day.