Thursday, October 27, 2005

All Katrina All The Time

Late August early September all Katrina, all New Orleans, all the time on main stream media. Was New Orleans the only town in the 90,000 square mile area Katrina ripped apart?

Joe Blundo a Columbus Dispatch Columnist wrote on September 4th that politics and government ineptitude doomed New Orleans. Joe's lead sentence was, "Hurricane Katrina met government ineptitude last week - with devastating results." I thought conservative ideology doomed New Orleans.

I wrote this to a friend Sept. 5th:

Early on, I thought the slow response to the New Orleans victims of Katrina could be blamed on confusion and the instability of the situation.

Now, I wonder, was Bush’s delayed response willful? Was it all about teaching poor Americans a lesson? Ninety thousand square miles of stress and duress. Thousands upon thousands of America’s needy were waiting. Waiting for water. Waiting for food. Waiting for rescue. Did this dire situation present a conservative president an opportunity too good to pass up?

Did conservative Bush quibble with compassionate Bush? Was the need to move quickly trumped by conservative cunning? Did conservative Bush say, these poor people always have their hand out, always ask their government to do for them. They act like babies. It is time they learned to do for themselves. It would be an act of compassion to teach them how.

Is that the argument conservative Bush used to stall the mightiest government in the world?