Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Re Spinflurry: Alito nomination

I have four reasons for the Democrats to not oppose Alito.

1. If y'all make a big fight out of the SCOTUS nomination it will take the Wilson/Leak news off the front page.

2. The Democrats would befuddle the conservatives if they did not scream and kick about the Alito nomination.

3. Schoolyard bully tactics 101 - Don't take the bait.

4. The Democrats who voted FOR Alito in 1991 won't have to lay low until the January, 2006 Senate hearings.

Another thing, I listened to Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council talking on C-Span about the Samuel Alito nomination. Mr. Perkins expressed his opinion that the Alito nomination is the perfect chance to educate the public about the importance of the judiciary........... Well, in my opinion, when a fellow tells you he wants to educate you about something you learned in seventh grade what he really means to do is blot out all you learned and fill the void with his way of thinking.

Last but not least, the same fellows who like Alito, love state rights and want to overturn Roe v Wade because in their view, Roe v Wade imposes federal standards on the states. So I got to wondering, why not quit worrying about what happens with Roe v Wade in the Supreme Court? Pro choice folks ought to be meeting with state legislators and have a pro choice law put on the books in as many states as possible. Or maybe better, put abortion choice to a vote in every state. Let the voters decide once and for all. Maybe then the state right fellows will stop their snipe-snipe.