Friday, November 18, 2005

To C-Span - Washington Journal

Date: November 11, 2005 7:54:51 AM EST Veteran's Day

Subject: there you go again! - guest - Michelle Malkin

Looking for relief from the constant conservative drone that passes for news these days. Turn to C-Span.

What do I find?

Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild
C-SPAN, Washington Journal
Michelle Malkin

Why on earth do y'all encourage this? Why do you insult your viewers? Yes, I take it personal because it was meant to insult me. Her choice of the word 'exposing' implies that liberalism is guilty of wrongdoing as if liberals were criminals.

This type of publication passing itself off as journalism has exhausted my interest. I had to make up a word, Pornalism, to describe these rude and crude publishing efforts. I'm sick and tired of decent broadcasts such as Washington Journal giving pornalism a national audience. Your listeners do NOT deserve to have this crap foisted on them.