Thursday, December 08, 2005

I'm white, I'm blonde and I'm legal!

RE: Congresswoman Candice Miller
Over on "Gerrymander Watch" and "Spinflurry" I've posted this link to Congresswoman Candice Miller (R) web page announcement dated Dec. 6th, 2005. Mrs. Miller introduced House Joint Resolution bill #53 on June 9, 2005. A hearing on the bill was held December 6th.

Mrs. Miller was first elected to Congress in 2002 from the 10th District in Michigan. Her Congressional District in north-eastern Michigan, considered safe Republican, includes Macomb, St. Clair, LaPeer, Sanilac, and Huron. Michigan is shaped kind of like a mitten, these five counties are located in the "thumb" region. The district was created by Republican legislators to force out David Bonior (D), who had been elected from Macomb and St.Clair districts since 1976.

Before the redistricting, Gore won the district, Gore = 48.8% / Bush = 46.6%
In 2004, after the redistricting, Bush won the district, Bush = 51.8% / Kerry = 47.1%

Now comes Candice Miller - Congresswoman, with the idea that only legal citizens should be considered when Congressional Districts are allocated.

Our Constitution currently states ALL citizens must be counted and considered. You know why? Because when the men wrote the Constitution they wanted Congress to be representative of EVERYONE. They would never have thought to forsee a situation whereby men and women would get themselves elected from a certain political party and act as if the only folks in their Congressional District who deserved to be represented were the ones who voted for them.

So now, if Mrs. Miller gets her way, the only citizens who matter will be the legals. Oh sure, she dresses it all up to sound like she is doing America a big favor, but what she would really accomplish if her bill were to pass is knock a big chunk out of the bedrock of our foundation.

Who will you target next, Mrs. Miller, the Democrats or the Independents?