Wednesday, December 14, 2005

RE: Iraq withdrawal

Over on spinflurry I posted a link to a Washington Post item written by Ben Connable, a Marine Corp Major who is preparing to go back to Iraq for a third tour of duty. Major Connable says that the war in Iraq is winnable... that the war in Iraq is not a quagmire and that the presence of U.S. military buffers the violence.

If Major Connable believes those things then I should take a wait and watch approach. He sounded credible. Until I got to the 7th paragraph. In the lead sentence of the 7th paragraph Major Connable uses the word "precipitous" in the withdrawal timeline discussion.

Nobody is asking for that.

Why do Republicans keep insisting that we are?

Why don't Republicans argue the true points of Murtha's plan? Why do they take a word like "withdraw" and apply a false and misleading meaning by coupling it to the word precipitous?

I guess what I'm really asking is, why do they keep on lying? Men and women and children have died. More will die before this is over, whether it ends in six months or six years.

Don't the dead deserve an honest debate?