Sunday, January 08, 2006

Does lobbying scandal have link to HAVA?

RE: Spinflurry post "DeLay Inc. Lobbying Firm Has Links to Three Capital Scandals"
Well here is a news item that has the Washington lobbyist industry stymied, sixty Washington legislators are reportedly shivering in their socks (they know who they are), and the mighty newsmen of Washington must be anticipating a lengthy run with the Abramhoff scandal.
I searched the Thomas -- U.S. Congress on the Internet site and found information about the internet gambling prohibition bill mentioned in the article. I also found that Congressman Bob Ney from Ohio's 18th District is in charge of the Committee on House Administration.

Congressman Ney looks after the daily operations that keep the House running smoothly. And, according to the website this same committee has jurisdiction over federal elections and is required to consider proposals to amend federal election law and to monitor Congressional elections in the U.S.

Mr. Abramhoff says he can connect bribes and payoffs to sixty legislators. Apparently he plans to reveal everything in the months to come. Just when I can't say. I just hope there isn't a scandal regarding the new voting systems and the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) which Congressman Ney helped become law.

About the internet gambling prohibition bill the news item mentioned. “In July 2000, DeLay was one of 44 Republicans who voted against the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act, while 165 party members supported it. The legislation, which required 270 votes to pass, fell short by 25 votes.” (from Jan. 6, 2006 item written by Michael Forsythe)

I wondered who the 44 Republicans were that voted against the proposal. Here are those names:
Archer (R)
   Barr (R)
   Biggert (R)
   Bilbray (R)
   Blunt (R)
   Bono (R)
   Camp (R)
   Cannon (R)
   Chabot (R)
   Chenoweth-Hage (R)
   Cox (R)
   Crane (R)
Davis (Va) (R)
  DeLay (R)
   Doolittle (R)
   Dreier (R)
   English (R)
   Fossella (R)
   Greenwood (R)
   Hayworth (R)
   Houghton (R)
   Jenkins (R)
   Johnson, Sam (R)
   Kasich (R)
   Kingston (R)
   Knollenberg (R)
   Kolbe (R)
   Kuykendall (R)
   Ney (R)
   Paul (R)
   Petri (R)
   Pombo (R)
   Portman (R)
   Rohrabacher (R)
   Royce (R)
   Sanford (R)
   Scarborough (R)
   Schaffer (R)
   Simpson (R)
   Skeen (R)
   Smith (MI) (R)
   Upton (R)
   Weldon (PA)(R)