Thursday, January 26, 2006

RE: Are Americans Schizophrenic?

schizophrenia defined: any of a group of psychotic disorders usually characterized by withdrawal from reality, illogical patterns of thinking, delusions, and hallucinations, and accompanied in varying degrees by other emotional, behavioral, or intellectual disturbances. 2. A condition that results from the coexistence of disparate or antagonistic qualities, identities, or activities.

Zacarias Moussaoui is a French citizen but he might fit in with those Americans Dr./Sen. Coburn OK-CR talked about. Americans are acting schizophrenic he said in his statement during the Samuel Alito hearings. He provided a few instances where Americans support opposing viewpoints. Dr./Sen. Coburn is also a medical doctor so I guess we have our diagnosis from an expert. When I think of what Conservative Republicans have done to America, I have to say, if I am a schizophrenic American it is the fault of the conservative movement. The America I live in today is not the America I learned about in civics class.

For instance, I came of age when the fairness doctrine governed our airwaves. The fairness doctrine was not a law, it was a suggestion that since the networks were using public property, the networks ought to provide opposing points of view on the important debates of the day. This made it possible to hear a little bit about both sides of the debate. I first noticed a change on my radio. A point of view was being put out and there didn’t seem to be any significant rebuttal. If I had any complaints, the remedy, I was told, was to switch channels or turn the set off. Nobody seemed to care that a little bit of fairness was being taken away from our society. Nobody was worried that folks like me were having a hard time understanding the issues because we didn’t have access to much information. In fact, if memory serves me right, we were told that life wasn’t fair, get used to it. Or something like that. So if clinging to a notion of fairness while the CR folks in Washington DC do all they can to forever remove that ideal from American life then I guess I am schizophrenic.

I’m glad to know I’m not the only schizophrenic American. I heard Sec. Rumsfeld complain to Jim Lehrer about the “bias” in the news. It was Rumsfeld's old boss, Ronald Reagan, who vetoed a Fairness Doctrine bill that Congress had sent to his desk. So the same people who killed the Fairness legislation are now complaining about the results of their actions.

BTW how two faced is it that CRs only complain because the opposing point of view is told? I never hear a CR complain about something said by another CR even when they don’t agree with each other. But, golleee sarge, when a Democrat is given some airtime and/or quoted it proves to a CR that the media is biased and they complain loud and long. Why is that Dr./Sen. Coburn? My right to free speech doesn’t mean much if I’m not saying what y’all want to hear. Each and every Congressman and Senator took an oath to uphold our Constitution but, like the President and his signing statements, y’all pick your meaning and choose which parts of the Constitution you will uphold.