Tuesday, February 14, 2006

RE: Domestic Spying

When Attorney General Gonzales went before the Senate Judiciary committee to answer questions regarding wiretapping domestic / international conversations, Sen. Kennedy mentioned that he did not believe any evidence gathered from the wiretaps could be used in court - because a warrant had not been issued by the FISA court.

That, Sen. Kennedy said, would very much weaken the governments case and give the terrorist target a defense in the courtroom that might get the case thrown out.

Kennedy's words, like the bricks on a one way road lead me to conclude that Bush WANTS a law that will make it legal. I find myself wondering which is worse... telling Bush to just keep on doing the wiretaps without a warrant or giving him the green light to careen down that highway unabated.

So why didn't Bush unambiguously ask Congress for the authority he needed?

Arrogance maybe? Bush's I don't have to ask anybody for anything, my way or the highway attitude makes me wish somebody would cut his entitlement attitude.

Democrats, I have a feeling y'all have been outdrawn on this one.