Monday, March 27, 2006

Has Mr. Common Sense gone away for good?

Got an e mail this morning that announced Mr. Common Sense and his family had died.

Here is my reply:

Haven't you heard? Mr. Common Sense, his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason were all found alive.

They are being held captive by the Demagogue people.

The ransom the Demagogue people are demanding for the return of Common Sense is that we give up our own good judgement and believe every word the Demagogue people say.

If we ever do that, we won't need Truth, Trust, Responsibility or Reason and Common Sense will die from lonliness.

BTW, My Rights and Ima Whiner were last seen at the airport where they were taken into custody by the NSA for
running to catch a flight. Witnesses said that they did not go peacefully. Their where-abouts is unknown at this time.