Friday, March 31, 2006

The Pledge Takers and Full Disclosure

Fri. March 31, 2006

Yesterday evening Tom Price R-Ga-6th, Patrick McHenry R-NC-10th, and Eric Cantor R-Va-7th, were speaking on the floor of the U.S. House. They used words like:

accountability and disclosure

full disclosure

true honesty


Supposedly they were there to talk about election law reform. Specifically doing something about the 527 groups that came alive during the 2004 Presidential election season. What they were really doing was bashing the Democrats. Their speeches condemned Democrat activity and never once mentioned the Republican 527 groups and how much money they spent. According to these guys it was all a Democrat problem. They conveniently forgot about the Swift Boat guys.

How two-faced can you be?

Why weren’t those guys condemning their own members who have taken bribes and been convicted? Why haven’t they had the courage to stand up to Tom DeLay all these years? Even now, when DeLay is weakened by an indictment, they fail to correct DeLay when he makes dumb decisions like insisting on taking a seat on the appropriations committee. Which is like putting the cat in the pantry.

How reprehensible do you have to be to stand in the U.S. Congress and condemn one group for doing something your own group does? Don’t you think a person who knows words like accountability and transparency would have a little of that in his own personality?

How transparent is it to talk about true honesty and full disclosure when you have signed a pledge for Grover Norquist’s group, Americans for Tax Reform, that prevents you from fulfilling your obligation to serve your home district and your nation? How transparent is it to not tell your constituents that because of the pledge you gave Grover you will have to do things that won’t make sense, like grow the deficit? How accountable is it to pass on this huge burden to the next several generations?

Where is the full disclosure necessary to tell Grover Norquist to shove it, that our nation could use more money these days? America needs to raise money to pay for disasters, terrorism attacks, rebuild our airports and highways, the war in Iraq. America is in debt trillions of dollars because our legislators are honoring a pledge they gave to Grover Norquist.

Yes, Mr. Price, Mr. McHenry and Mr. Cantor, I’d like to know where your accountability is on those matters. I’d like to know why your name is on that pledge takers list. I’d like to know why you are allowing our wonderful country to come to ruin in order to honor a pledge you gave Grover Norquist.

Yes sir-ee I’d sure like to see y’all do something about those groups and the organizations that seek to influence Legislators and Grover’s organization is a good place to start.

more to read:
Americans for Tax Reform

Tom Paine.common sense A Time for Heresy

Open The major players advocacy groups