Tuesday, March 14, 2006

RE: Censure Bush

Senator Feingold I support your resolution. Too bad your friends in the Senate don't have your back.

Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold's resolution to censure President Bush for what he called "illegal wiretapping" drew sharp denunciations from the White House and Senate Republicans on Monday. It also left Feingold's fellow Democrats somewhat wary and divided about the wisdom of pursuing such a rebuke of Bush's conduct. More from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

pusillanimous |ˌpyoōsəˈlanəməs| adjective showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.

See Democrats with their finger in the wind fail to offer Senator Feingold even faint-hearted support ON his proposal to censure President Bush.

Meanwhile, the winds of disapproval gather strength.

Democrats, y’all are missing the point. This is a simple matter. Our President has placed himself above the law. He used his position to cause an illegal act to be carried out on the citizens of our country.

Congress coming along AFTER the illegal activity has occurred and passing a law making the illegal activity legal - - - - STINKS.

I’ve read reports that imply y’all are waiting till the '06 election is over hoping to gain enough seats to pursue an impeachment. Well, let me tell you this, this gal won’t be voting for your crew if you don’t show me some guts NOW.

I don’t know what is worse. A President who seems to have misplaced his copy of the Constitution or a bunch of elected officials who won’t move on an issue without taking a poll first.