Friday, April 14, 2006

Senator DeWine has not signed the pledge

Y'all know by now I don't like the anti-tax pledge that Legislators around America signed. A Legislators main responsibility is to his constituents not a Washington DC based anti tax organization. It seems to me, these men who have signed the pledge are hurting America. They are being held to a promise they made in the dark. And we all know about those kind of promises don't we? When, in the light of day, buildings are knocked down by airplanes, wars are begun, and hurricanes cause billions of dollars in damages, the Legislators have to run up a lot of debt to pay for everything.

What if your boss told you he would never give you another raise? This pledge is close to the same thing.

Although, it isn't mentioned in this article, Ohio Senator George Voinovich has not signed the pledge.

The Columbus Dispatch has this by Jim Siegel April 14, 2006 Despite incentive, DeWine won't sign anti-tax pledge In this article Sen. DeWine tells why he won't sign the pledge