Thursday, April 06, 2006

Tom DeLay

I have words for Tom DeLay:
"we should appreciate what we have ... instead of worrying about what we haven't ... and enjoy what is ... before it isn't."
Ziggy, May 1981 by Tom Wilson

And so, by media ordain, Tom DeLay the poster boy for political corruption, is free to ride off into the wilds of eastern Virgina. He doesn't have to say he is sorry. He isn't sorry. He doesn't have to act contrite. He isn't contrite. He doesn't have to demonstrate remorse. Why should he be remorseful?

He is not afraid of anything except losing his next election. That is the bogeyman looming large in Tom DeLay's imagination. So intimidating as to force him to drop out. His last victory will be his last.

There you have it.

Tom DeLay's exit provides a time-out for his cohorts in the conservative movement. Currently in the process of splitting, and searching for a face-saver or the escape clause in their contract with America. Their loss of esteem brought about by a hurricane called Katrina and before that, the conservative's intrusive behavior surrounding Terry Schiavo's death and three generation-deep deficits. Americans have caught on to their bait and switch game. And plenty of us won't take it anymore.

conservative President Bush will still be around after the 06 elections. How many unmerciful, implacable, intolerant conservatives survive the 06 election is up to us.