Thursday, October 26, 2006

The OM Got Your Hopes UP?

H. George Frederickson makes things a little clearer in "Up the Bureaucracy" A true and faultless guide to organizational success and the further adventures of Knute and Thor being serialized on In today's installment, Knute and Thor translate several common Bureaucrat phrases.
I like what Frederickson says is the true meaning of "I'll never lie to you"
This is good stuff. Thanks Governing.

Regarding TV political ads here's an idea, Prohibit the rebroadcast of any political ad on all the news shows. Tell Wolf, Shawn, Katie, Keith, et al. they may not use any part of a political ad during the news hour. Just to keep everyone honest, do not allow local broadcast stations to sell political ad time 15 minutes before, after, and during the news hour. After all, if the first rule was enacted it wouldn't take long for some ad guru to create a looks like news - but isn't - campaign ad.

A rule like this might have helped Rush Limbaugh Out of Bounds a Dallas News editorial. My own opinion about what Rush said and did, is just to say, he went too far. It would have been OK with me if Rush had stuck to criticizing the content of what Michael Fox had to say BTW. Rush should be more careful with his choice of words and actions. After all, he is the Republican thought master. Rush thinks, so R's don't have to.

And finally, the Omnifarious Media (OM) wants you to believe Democrats lead in U.S. election. A big part of the Republican GOTV is to convince their side to show up at the polls. The OM is glad to help the cause by publishing every story ever written on the subject of Republicans losing the election. After November 7th, remember all the news items out there on this aspect of the election. I used Google search and got about 9,120,000 Results for "Democrats lead in polls". I still say it aint gonna happen. Most Republicans don't hold each other accountable and the few disillusioned Republicans who might switch parties won't be as many as is needed to overcome the gerrymandered districts. Gerrymander Watch by JB Feucht

October 31, 2006 - post script - Statewide elections are a different story, Didn't mean to imply otherwise.
I think, but don't know for certain, that statewide elections can't be gerrymandered and therefore are still competitive.