Monday, October 16, 2006

Voting party line or person?

On a C-Span call in segment, it was Republicans only being asked to call and answer the question "Will you vote party line or for the person?" One caller, from Ohio told viewers he would vote for Blackwell and DeWine. The caller said, tax and spend Democrats would spend more and raise taxes. So, he concluded, he would hold his nose and vote straight Republican.

The next caller, also a Republican voter from Ohio, said 'tax and spend no longer defines Democrats. The previous caller is out of date. Democrats have not been in a leadership position and can not be blamed for the current fiscal mess. This caller will vote for Democrats because he wants a change in Wa. DC.

Which caller is correct?

I think the first caller is correct for the same reason the second caller stated. The party line voters haven't updated their brain cell memory banks regarding most Democrats. And what they don't know by now, they won't learn before Nov. 7th.