Thursday, December 07, 2006

Had Enough?

Already tired of the same old - same old Democrats?

I am.

I’m already tired of the Democrats not understanding why they are in charge of the Congress and Senate. If I hear the word ethics again I think I’ll puke all over my house slippers. Ethics - smethics! That is not why I voted a straight Democrat ticket for the first time ever. I want this President disarmed. I want us out of Iraq. The death and destruction wrought in my name have become a too heavy burden. I want us OUT of Iraq. I want John Murtha to be part of the leadership because I believe he WILL work tirelessly to get us out of IRAQ.

I wanted a serious change in the faces of the leadership of our Congress, but I didn't get it. I wanted younger faces, new ideas, a different approach. A determined resolve to find a way out of the mess the conservative Republican Congress made. I didn't get it.

Instead, I got Rangel pushing for a draft because he thinks it would be good for younger generations to sacrifice something in service to our country. ....baloney!!!
What about the triple generation deep deficit? Their future economic security looks to be in serious jeopardy. Isn’t that a big enough sacrifice Mr. Rangel?

I had forgot how the DLC talks down to us voters. They just started again and I’m already tired of it.

I’m already tired of seeing Rahm Emanuel’s grinning image standing behind Nancy Pelosi at every news conference.

And the word bipartisan, I’m tired of that word too. Where were all these ‘bipartisan’ folks when the conservative Republicans were running our Congress like a members only private club?

I’m tired of all the manufactured issues. I’m tired of the Rush-monkies talking points about the manufactured issues. I wish I could click my heels and make all the Rush-monkies shut up for awhile.

I’m tired of the swift-boater people, and the exaggerated response to their exaggerated declarations.

I was tired of Margaret Carlson before she left. I like reading Margaret better than hearing Margaret. So I’m not looking forward to seeing her as a Democratic spokes person on the cable news.

Same goes for James Carville.

I’m tired of the 'HRC - will run - won’t run for President in 08' media insider debate. She knows she is going to run, why doesn’t she spit it out and stop the annoyingly unwilling to make a commitment behavior?

I’m tired of ALL the so called legacy candidates on both sides. Jeb, McCain, Gore, any Kennedy, HRC..... and can Democrats not include the name of Obama in every third sentence?

If you voted for a Democrat instead of a Republican because you wanted a leadership change, too bad for you. Now I know how Pamela Ewing felt when Bobby stepped into her shower and told her it was just a bad dream. No, thats the wrong analogy, I should have said 'Back To The Future II'...... getting back was only the beginning. Just like Marty and Doc found out when they got back from the past, Bush’s actions have harshly altered the future the Democrats now control.