Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sunday, March 11th on Fox News with Chris Wallace

Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace
Mr. Wallace, used the first third of his hour interviewing actor and ex-Senator Fred Thompson who is "leaving the door open" to becoming a candidate for President 2008.
Another actor? Hardly. Thompson has built a strong political background. 1973 appointed chief Republican Counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee. Lawyer, Lobbyist. Confident speaking, workshirts and a red pick-up truck helped him win 1994 election to become Senator from Tennessee after Al Gore became Vice President. As Senator he voted for the Contract With America. Term Limits. Campaign Finance Reform. Was named to the Senate committee working on procedure for (Clinton) impeachment and voted not guilty on perjury and guilty on obstruction of justice. Backs Social Security reform which would put a percentage of payroll taxes in individual investment accounts.

Poltico by Mike Allen has more on Fred Thompson

Associated Press Writer Hope Yen On the issues, Thompson said

Should Democratic candidates cancel a debate YAHOO News because Fox News was the sponsor?
The faux fair and balanced roundtable discussion thinks not. In their opinion the Democratic Party is responding to a political organization. None of the roundtable participants had to courage to condemn Roger Ailes for his comments about Barack Obama, which implied that Obama should be hunted down like a terrorist. conservatives are such hateful people.

I say good for the Democratic Party. Thats more like it. It is high time conservatives started paying for their hate speech.