Wednesday, May 09, 2007

VP Cheney visits Baghdad

I think my computer hissed at me when I hit the 'on' switch this morning. Poor old thing probably didn't recognize me.

Houston Chronicle, by Tom Raum Associated Press Writer Cheney meets with Iraqi PM during visit No word on if Cheney took his shotgun, but the photo shows him in a flak jacket. I wonder if this is as close as he has ever come or will ever be to a combat situation? Maybe Cheney ought to spend some of his time talking with Edward de Bono, who was interviewed on the BBC World Service Radio broadcast, Business Daily, Friday May 4th on creative thinking and how to harness it. In the interview de Bono offers an interesting idea about how the USA could leave Iraq. He suggests USA sets a date certain for our exit from Iraq and advance the date a week when there are no killings and delay the date when killings take place.
The link has expired to this particular BBC broadcast. These results returned when I searched all of BBC for Edward de Bono Republicans walk tightrope over war in Iraq Did you see the Republican "DEBATE?"? There isn't much diversity in the Republican Party or in their Presidential candidates. Who stood out? Ron Paul (TX 14th), sounds different. Ron Paul is a Republican Libertarian with a National Journal (subscription) 2006 Vote Rating conservative score for his roll-call votes on key economic [51%], social [44%] and foreign policy [20%] issues during 2006. He was the only Republican to vote "present"on the Iraq resolution at the start of the war. He voted against requiring states to issue school progress reports and the Patriot Act after September 11. On foreign policy matters, from military defense to international trade, he calls himself a "non-interventionist" who does not believe the U.S. government has any role overseas. Ron Paul offers an alternative to the NO Choice candidates in the Republican field.

I like these debates. I am glad to have an opportunity, for the first time in my lifetime BTW, to see and hear the candidates this early in the election cycle. I think this is an important change in our political system. If I could have one wish, my wish would be for the media to stop calling one person the "front-runner" it is way too early in the cycle and this kind of thought shaping is demeaning to the American public.

Speaking of diversity, Politico has this, Diversity hiring on Hill is slow but growing by Ryan Grim, Despite the lack of diversity on Capitol Hill, every person interviewed for this series of articles that began running on Tuesday -- from staffers and members of Congress to campaign consultants -- believes that the situation is improving incrementally.