Sunday, September 02, 2007

What I learned from Larry Craig’s Troubles

Republicans have gone and done it again. In a rush to judgment the Republican leadership have piled on the bandwagon they believe will lead them away from tarnation and into a promise land packed with appreciative voters.
Some who piled on were: Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, and John Ensign
Dwindling Support
GOP lawmakers, hoping to get the embarrassment to the party behind them quickly, stripped Craig of leadership posts on Wednesday,

I just read Larry Craig’s biography in the 2006 Almanac of American Politics. I have to say, there isn’t much I agree with Craig about. He voted Against too many issues I would have voted For and he voted For too many issues I would have voted Against. But that doesn’t matter now. The man was railroaded by members of his own political party.

Exactly what did Sen. Craig do wrong? Nothing in Code Matches Craig Conduct

Police Release Audio of Senators Arrest

Sen. Arlen Specter, said on “Fox News Sunday” he thinks Craig ought to try to vindicate himself. "I'd like to see him fight the case because I think he could be vindicated." Also, Sen. Specter thinks Craig has left himself an opening because he used the word “intend” and not “will” when he talked about his resignation plans.
As in:
‘I intend to resign’
and not
‘I will resign’

There is a big difference when you think about it.

The Republicans have gone and done the same thing Craig did when he pled guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct. Apparently, Craig thought he could plead guilty and get on with his life. So too, the Republicans seem to be thinking the same way, that the story will end when Craig resigns.

The Republican leadership are partly right. The story might end for some of the voters. But will the story end for the voters who see this as an example of the Republicans piling on one of their own? What about the moderate voters who see this as another example of how bigoted and intolerant the Republicans really are. Will the story end there for voters who try to live their lives as if they were NOT the judge and jury? Just how warm and fuzzy will members feel after watching their leaders, infused with self-righteous indignation, thrash and berate a fellow who earned a 96 rating from the American Conservative Union and a big fat zero from the League of Conservation Voters in 2004?

Well, one thing is certain, June 11 will never be just another day for Larry Craig.

What did I learn from all this?

1. Next time I have to use a public restroom, never, no matter what, ask the woman in the next stall to please pass me some toilet paper.

2. IF for some reason I don’t follow my own good advice, I should remember to never reach past my side of the stall wall for the needed toilet paper.

3. Never make eye contact with any woman in a public restroom.

To read more:
GOP touts swift action on Craig

Featured Links Craig: Roll Call - Background - Report - Statement