Some Republicans sound like they are electing a country club president when they talk about Sarah Palin.
she is pro life..... she is a lifetime member of the NRA .... she has 5 children ... she served on the PTA...
The Game Changer AC360 by John P. Avlon
McCain pick puts focus on women Tampa by Adam C. Smith and Alex Leary
Some folks think she is an image polisher.
John McCain's maverick image needed pumped up. What better way to do that than to pick a VP from left field?
Surprise!! John McCain doesn't seem so same-as-Bush anymore.
6 Things the Palin Pick says about McCain Politico by Jim Vandehei and John F. Harris
politically connected Republicans are trying to pump up the sparse experience she brings to the ticket.
she served on a city council ... she was a mayor ... she is the Governor of Alaska
What Palin Does For McCain, And To Obama True North by Ed Morrissey
Vetting Sarah Palin by Libby Spencer / the Impolitic
Let Palin Be Palin by William Kristol - The Weekly Standard
some see Sarah Palin as the gal who is going to help Republicans win their elections in Alaska.
Selection may shake up state and nation Juneau Empire by Pat Forgey