The peculiar looking spider who wove the CD shaped web.
Bill and I think this spider looks like Darth Vader's helmet. When a small insect such as a moth or fly lands in the web their time on earth is down to a few minutes. Darth's rapid recovery response quickly swings into action and Darth moves to the insect and drags it to the center of his web. I think maybe Darth does this because he likes to watch us while he eats. Darth consumes a fly in about 3 hours. I suppose Darth has injected the fly with some kind of paralyzing fluid because the struggle for life is over soon. I rescued a pretty little white moth yesterday from becoming Darth's Sunday supper. In doing so, I caused a little bit of damage to the CD shaped web. No real harm done, Darth had his web repaired before sundown.