Today, some of the headlines say that the president might go for a scaled back overhaul that would attract bipartisan support. Thats OK - as long as we don't end up with a third rate substitute. President Obama should take a close look at the Massachusetts health care plan. That plan garnered bipartisan support. And the voters love it so much after living with it for 4 years they were willing to elect a Republican to protect it.
I want President Obama to know if he believes that Scott Brown's election reflects how America feels about health care legislation- then he would be wrong. The Mass. election only reflects the protective nature of the voters. They like their insurance and they did not want to change. That is the message President Obama needs to convey to everyone.
Read this for a good example of overstated conclusions about the Massachusetts Senate election.
In her January 21st column, Froma Harrop chose a more moderate approach.
why on earth did you climb so high?
you could have jumped off anytime.
did you think you could touch the stars?
climbing and climbing
when you got to the top you went too far
bzzzzzt bzzzzzzzt zap you're dead
like the current healthcare overhaul bill.