Sunday, February 28, 2010

As I watched the health reform summit

Boehner and Canter showed up with their workbooks - guess they didn't get their homework done before the meeting.

Seems like the Rs used the number 2400 at least 2500 times.

I am an American and I want health care reform. Why do the Rs always say ‘all Americans oppose this reform’?

RE: selling insurance across state lines
Are they serious? Do they really expect the same folks who purchased homes beyond their means to compare and understand insurance policies?
Tell me they are kidding.
I apologize to all those who trusted their banker and ended up with a mortgage they couldn’t keep up. I don’t blame you for what happened. I blame the cheating bankers and the blind congress that created a situation where unsuspecting folks could be taken by bankers they should have been able to trust.
If the brainacs of Washington DC decide to allow insurance companies to sell their products across state lines there better be some kind of consumer protection in the legislation.

Scrap the bill and start over ????
How much money has been spent in the last year on the 2400 page proposal? How much more would it cost to do as the Rs ask?