Saturday, August 14, 2010

He is not on the fence!

Obama's comments on mosque near Ground Zero draw strong reactions
 USA TODAY - The Oval August 14, 2010

President Obama encountered religious bullying during his campaign, and that is what this really is. Folks using their media connections to declare what is and is not correct for everyone else.

walking back -- -- The next day, President Obama said his comments were in support of religious freedom and that he would NOT comment on the decision to build a mosque 3 blocks from ground zero.

But, he had already made the comment when he said he would not comment on the decision. The Oval prints the relevant part of Obama's before dinner speech. Sure looks to me like he said those words Friday night. He did didn't he????

 The following items @ Media Matters for America clarify:
Media invent Obama "backtrack"....,
Conservative media falsely claim.....,
Experts say anti-Muslim....,
Do your own Research