Thursday, December 19, 2013

About that year end newsletter

I have received two Christmas newsletters this season. After I read the first newsletter I didn't feel like waiting in line to jump off a bridge. I was inspired to call a friend. The writer was honest and told about the trials he had faced this year. His newsletter was his way to reach out and tell his friends and family what he had endured. He knew he could count on us to be there for him.
He also knew he had to tell someone first.

 I like to think that most of his friends responded with a kind letter and offer to help. 

The second newsletter I received was a tedious recital of wonderful events. Nothing happened to these folks that wasn't pleasant or fun or interesting or enlightening. I'm sure it was meant to be upbeat. But I felt beat up after reading all this good stuff. It went on and on
A whole page of good news and good things. Not one cake failure or a leak in the roof was mentioned. Didn't one thing happen that these folks wouldn't want their parents to know about? I would have rather read about that.

What is the point of a year end newsletter if you can't tell your 160 best friends you might have hurt a little this year?