Thursday, October 27, 2005

Bush wants military to respond to natural disasters

Apparently, Bush's thinker was on vacation or otherwise preoccupied when he suggested the military could take the lead in responding to catastrophic natural disasters.

A poll published October 3 by USATODAY asked 38 governors what they thought about that.

Two governors like the idea.

Among those opposed? Jeb Bush and Haley Barbour.

Gov. Blanco may wish these two gents had spoke up sooner about this matter. Like maybe right after the FEMA spin machine went after her for not handing Bush control.

Early on it seemed like the FEMA spin machine had dual controls. One set to make Democrats look like twits. And the second FEMA spin machine control was set to GOP looking good cycle.

No wonder Michael Brown got a "good job, Brownie" out of President Bush.