Thursday, October 27, 2005

Ohio Issues

On November 8th Ohio voters have to decide if they want to change the way legislative districts are drawn in Ohio. The current system seems to favor Republicans because;

a. they drew the districts after the 2000 census

b. they are still in power

Granted the Ohio map is dominated by GOP zones, but doesn't that have more to do with the choice being offered? In some cases No Choice was offered. In nine Ohio legislative districts Republicans ran unopposed. In fourteen Ohio districts Democrats ran unopposed.

Safe Seats are the norm in politics these days all across America, not just in Ohio. You didn't think Texas was the only one did ya? And because of this practice our Democracy is seriously stressed. When the voice of the voter is shut out, what do you think happens? Seems to me, the answer is, they quit voting. That's a purely unscientific conclusion based on the drop in voters who actually vote.

That said, I'm still going to vote NO on this issue. Why? Because if this amendment is passed I will not be able to vote FOR or vote AGAINST the committee that decides the district boundaries. This amendment will remove the last shred of control a voter has and give it to a preselected board.