Thursday, February 16, 2006

Can't we do better?

Feb. 16, 2006 update
See the Feb. 13, 2006 Tom Toles Cartoon

Feb. 10, 2006 I wrote:
I was disappointed to read that the Democrats will continue using the phrase "we can do better" as in, "Bush lied, we can do better".

This phrase is devoid of substance and meaning, I have heard it too too often for it to mean anything anymore. It lacks serious purpose, it is just an empty phrase Democrats haul out at the end of their ever growing list of Republican flaws.

Maybe those fellas who say the Democrats don't have any new ideas are correct.

on Nov. 28, 2005 I wrote this"
My 300 foot walk to the mailbox yielded a 'Dear Friend' letter from Senator Harry Reid. I first thought the letter was from HRC, which, had it been, would have went straight to the trash can. When I saw Reid's name in the upper left corner I thought I'd like to see what he had to say. Turned out that Senator Reid has a lot of complaints. About the numerous Republicans under indictment these days. The price of gasoline. The Harriet Miers nomination.

Reid tells me he thinks American people deserve better.

On page 2 Reid actually suggests that Karl Rove should be history. If its true KR is Bush's brain that is a dangerous thing to demand. Going into his windup, Reid asks me to help take away the Republican majority in the Senate so the Democrats can stop Bush from "doing even more damage to our country".... with a gift of $50 - $75, or more.

Reid closes his letter with the phrase, "Together, America can do better."

Thank you for the letter Senator Reid, but I can't send you the money right now, I will, however, give you something better. Retire the phrase "America can do better" Stop telling me something I've been hearing since Howard Dean began his Presidential campaign. I've heard it so often it has become an annoying complaint. Which makes you and all the other Democrats who say that and the more common, "we can do better," nagging scolds.

I know America can do better.

You know America can do better.

We all know America can do better.

Tell me something I don't know.

Tell me this: "WE WILL DO BETTER"

and sound like you mean it.