Sunday, February 19, 2006

RE: Boomers: The Greatest Generation

Thanks to C-Span's Washington Journal I heard about this article written by Leonard Steinhom. C-Span used the first forty minutes of the Washington Journal asking callers to respond to Steinhom's essay. The question was, "are boomers the greatest generation?"

Boomers, we got trashed again.

I did not keep a tally, but my overall impression is that out of a couple dozen phone calls, two-thirds trashed the boomer generation. In his article, Leonard Steinhom mentions that a cottage industry has bloomed around boomer bashing. The C-Span callers probably sit on the board of directors.

Callers who were supportive were very supportive so they kind of made up for having to endure being called things like 'selfish' 'burdensome' 'whiny' 'demanding'.......

My response would have been, "No we aren't the greatest generation, YET, but we could be if we came together."