Thursday, March 02, 2006

RE: U.S. Reviewing 2nd Dubai Firm

quotes from Washington
The Bush administration, stung by the public outcry over the Dubai port deal, has launched a national security investigation of another Dubai-owned company set to take over plants in Georgia and Connecticut that make precision components used in engines for military aircraft and tanks......

Who will conduct these reviews I wondered. The 12 member CFIUS panel is Chaired by the Secretary of Treasury, membership includes:
2 - 3 -& 4 Secretaries of State, Defense, and Commerce
5 - the Attorney General
6 - the Director of Office of Management and Budget
7 - the U.S. Trade Representative
8 - Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers
9 - Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy
10 - the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
11 - the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy
12 - Department of Homeland Security

YIKES ! those are some of the same guys who told us where to find WMD ... well that clears up the question of responsibility.