Friday, September 15, 2006

Is this the way out?

The difference between my way or the highway and my way’s the only way?

Exit strategy.

Do you know the dictionary definition of the word war?
“a state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between
nations, states, or parties.”

The Bush White House war on terror lacked a key component, a participating nation. Enter Iraq. The need to put a face on the war against terrorism brought the Bush White House to the attack on Iraq. And thus a reason - several reasons - as it turned out, were given to the American public for that decision. Iraq was made to be a facade for a war with a nationless foe.

So in a certain way, the Iraq war / war on terrorism - is brought to us by, the dead and the maimed combatants, the innocent dead, the orphaned and a deeply disillusioned Iraq nation. Oh, and don’t forget corporate America’s gluttonous desire to trade world wide, our addiction to oil, and a Bush advisory committee who believed my way’s the only way.

President Bush should have been asking, ‘how can we protect our citizens and stay within our laws?’ instead, he aimed his guns at our Constitution and the established treaties our nation has heretofore honored.

Now, he is doing the same thing with his request to prosecute terrorism behind closed doors. He is asking our Congress to find a way around the Supreme Court notice his methods were unconstitutional. President Bush seeks to further shield and mystify the terrorists.

I ask you, sir, with all respect, do you not see the opportunity there at your feet? If you prosecute those men your soldiers have captured and believe to be part of the terrorist network in open court you will give a “face” to your war. And sir, would that not open an exit door in Iraq for our nation and our allies?

I respectfully suggest to you President Bush, that you seek to bring all those you believe to be terrorists to trial in the shining light of our country’s freedom and democratic ideals. I believe that is the pathway to defeating terrorist activity.