Thursday, October 05, 2006

Is the Foley "scandal" real?

From Yahoo News: "A senior congressional aide said Wednesday he told House Speaker Dennis Hastert's office about worrisome conduct by Rep. Mark Foley toward teenage pages more than three years ago, long before officials have acknowledged becoming aware of the issue"......more
Aide says he reported Foley 3 years ago

IF that is true, it might explain Foley's brazen IM identity ... the man used his initials and birth year for heavens sake.

What else explains maf54?

Foley didn't try to hide his identity and the only reason I can conjure is, he felt completely safe. He knew congressional leaders were aware of his activities and nothing happened to him. Or maybe not.

Something about this Foley "scandal" is delusory. I just don't think it is real. It is all too perfect. Maybe it is the USA TODAY report that said none of the IM's have been independently authenticated.

Maybe it is the fact that teenage boys are involved. Smart teenage boys.

Maybe it is knowing how easily an e mail identity can be used by an unauthorized person.

Maybe it is the speedy requests for resignations from conservative republicans and conservative news outlets. The Washington Times asked for Hastert's resignation October 3rd, four days after Foley resigned. Richard Viguerie was calling for Hastert's resignation October 2nd.

Maybe it is the sad appeal of Gerry Studds name being invoked by the Republicans, as if the Studds scandal would provide the R's a measure of absolution.

Or the irony of Gerry Studds being a descendent of the fifth vice-president, (Eldridge Gerry) who devised the first gerrymandered district.

Now, I'm back to the question "what else explains maf54?"

SAFE SEATS maybe? CQ Politics
Our nearly unelectable congress. Death, resignation, and jail terms defeat more Congressional members then the ballot these days.

SAFE SEATS = arrogance
SAFE SEATS = dictatorial
SAFE SEATS = authoritarian
SAFE SEATS = dogmatic
SAFE SEATS = imperious
SAFE SEATS = overbearing
SAFE SEATS = doctrinaire

Are we at this place at this time in our history because we have allowed two political parties to seize our elections by the use of gerrymandering? Is the monster under our bed our growing disgust because we let it get this bad? Are we afraid we can't fix it? I hope not, because

Boomers, we have to fix this before we go. You know that don't you?

Oct. 6 additional information
Drudge Report posted this item "Claim: Filthy Foley Online Chats Were Page 'Prank Gone Awry' on Oct. 5, 2006 22:01:25 ET