Monday, March 26, 2007

10 Questions

1. Will ending the invasion of Iraq before November, 2008 help Hillary Clinton's campaign for President? 

2. If the news about the Iraq invasion becomes more positive, will that help Hillary Clinton win the Presidential nomination?

3. Do you think President Bush believes the answer to questions 1 and 2 is "YES"?

4. Are the pundits and political operatives who promote Hillary Clinton as the 'best chance' candidate,  just looking for their next good story?

5. Does the ka-ching sound ringing in their ears cause blurred vision and poor judgment?

6. Will Hillary finance her health care plan out of her own pocket?

7. Does any candidate now running for the presidential nomination care about fiscal responsibility?

8. Should we be talking about a health care plan before we fix Social Security and Medicare?

9.Tom Vilsack got out of the race because of "funding problems", now he supports the main reason for his "funding problems", is he sucking-up or playing a shrewd game of politics?

10. Will Senate Democrats fall for Senator Hagel's impeachment stratagem?

1 - 5  = YES
6 - 7 - 8  = NO
9 = BOTH
10 = I hope not, but you never can tell how often a blind mule can be led to a dry hole.

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