Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Matters that relate to us all

From Midday Update
House Panel Approves Measure Providing Taxpayer Protections

The bill (HR 1677) would tighten restrictions on companies issuing loans against taxpayers’ refunds.

Read the bill: The Library of Congress Thomas Bill Locator

From CQPolitics
CQPolitics Examines Thompson’s ‘Key Votes’ in Senate senior writer Greg Giroux has constructed a chart that displays former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson's major votes during his Senate service.....

Another CQPolitics item to read Michigan’s Levin Introduces Bill to Halt ‘Front Loading’ Trend
By Greg Giroux

Y'all should pay attention to this story:
Battle Over U.S. Attorneys Has Roots in '04 Election
By: Jeanne Cummings
.....a Republican National Committee strategy, ....... to identify and challenge questionable voters at the polling precincts. Among those working at the RNC was Tim Griffin, the former Karl Rove aide who recently replaced fired U.S. attorney Bud Cummins. Then, with the vast federal law enforcement community acting as the new sheriff, Republicans hoped to pocket the evidence they longed for: a string of high-profile investigations and convictions.

Failure of some U.S. attorneys to pursue the final plank in that strategy now appears to have helped trigger an internal debate over whether to fire all or some of them, administration comments and e-mails suggest.