Friday, December 07, 2007

The Almost Undecided Voter

CROSSED off my list everyone except:

John McCain (favorite R) and Fred Thompson

Because everyone else has signed the ATR tax pledge. Our elected leaders should NOT be beholden to any pledge, unless it is to the ALL the citizens of the United States. Unlike the current occupant of the White House, who must have had one of those signing statements at the podium the day he took his Presidential oath. Cause his governing style sure leaves out a lot of us.

CROSSED off my list, everyone except:

Joe Biden (favorite D) and Barack Obama

Ohio Primary is March 4th, if I have the opportunity to vote for Joe Biden, or Obama, I will ask for a Democratic ballot.

If both those guys are out of the race, I'll ask for a Republican ballot and vote for John McCain. If McCain is gone, I'll vote for Thompson.

If all four guys are out of the race I won't vote.