Monday, January 14, 2008

Diplomats or Rockports?

Who to pick? Who to pick? Which candidate should I choose? My thoughts bobble around the candidates names as I try to decide which one is best for America. This isn’t like auto retail, when I can call on a trusted neighbor to guide me to the best dealer in town. That doesn’t work with a national election. Picking a President I have to rely on the media. I have to pay attention to the little details. Watch for an honesty moment. I have to filter opinion from fact and weigh the opinions carefully.

By March 4th, when Ohio votes, I’ll have fewer candidates to winnow, and more hot air to use in the process. I will eliminate some candidates for doing something stupid like talking to a UFO or taking a cell phone call during a speech. Some candidates will drop out because of their poor showing at the polls. Or else prove it is really all about them and not what is best for America by hanging around long after voters have hung up the “No Sale” sign.

My love-hate relationship with the media grows hotter during Presidential election years. I start watching all things political. C-Span is the cable channel I trust most. My second choice is CNN especially their Ballot Bowl which airs all Sunday afternoon and the weekday Situation Room.
Of the network news I would watch all four if I could. Things being as they are, I switch around. I start with NewsHour With Jim Lehrer on PBS and switch off when his subject loses my interest. When that happens I usually go to NBC because I like their political analyst Chuck Todd. CBS is third and ABC comes in fourth.

I subscribe to, and read, a couple of political magazines. “National Journal” for clarity and balance. “American Conservative” “Harpers” and “Time” for a diverse viewpoint. I also subscribe to “USA Today” and “The Columbus Dispatch.”
Yes, I take politics seriously. I really want to make a good choice for our next President. I check out their web sites, read their position statements, watch the debates and follow their campaign activities. I don’t think in terms of who is electable like the media guys think I think. I’ve never run a campaign, how the heck would I know who is beatable and who is electable? This process is more like buying a pair of shoes. It’s all about a comfortable fit.

I supported a different candidate, so it looks to me like they got it wrong in New Hampshire. In actual fact there are ten thousand reasons why Hillary beat Obama in New Hampshire. Some in the media say New Hampshire women came to Hillary's rescue and cast a pity vote for the woman they thought was beat down and overlooked. Personally, I think Hillary’s brimming tears and clutching throat prove how truly untested she really is. She nearly lost it in more ways then one. Another reason I heard was the 21 alphabetically listed candidates on the New Hampshire ballot. Implying the voters were too lazy to look for another name after finding one they recognized. If that is true, New Hampshire doesn’t deserve to hold the first primary ever again.

As for me, I hope to be able to cast a vote for Barack Obama or John McCain. I’ll vote for Obama because I believe a President Obama would be able to bring about a positive atmosphere in Washington. I believe Obama would unite Americans and encourage our Representatives to work together. I believe with Obama in the White House this nation will profit from his new ideas and classy style. I believe President Obama would bring an end to the war in Iraq sooner rather than later. I believe Obama will help us feel good about ourselves. And Lord knows we need that.
At first I was afraid to offer him my full support. I feared for his very life because there are those in America who would harm him. The argument against my fear is, Obama believes his candidacy is important to America and is willing to take the chance. If Obama can be fearless against those who would do him harm. If Obama can be positive against those who tell him he is reaching too far beyond his experience. If Obama does these things who am I to tell him to run and hide?

If Obama is out, I’ll vote for John McCain because I believe Republicans want to expand the war if they retain the White House. I think McCain is the best candidate to be in charge of the expanded war. I believe a President McCain will work with both Democrats and Republicans in Congress. I believe President McCain will be truthful with us and will always do what is best for our country. I believe President McCain would stand up to the greedy, self-serving special interest groups who have more influence than they deserve in the Republican party. I see courage and straight talk and positive ideas. A real chance for a Republican to lead his Party away from the brink of disaster.

To me, McCain and Obama are the only two candidates who represent real change, everyone else is same old-same old.