Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My FactCheck Request

An item I read on written by Pierre Atlas said:
"..This year's Republican candidates do not want to be associated with the deficit spending and pork-filled budgets of the Bush administration ......"

While I don't doubt this is true about the (R) candidates, I wonder why the Bush administration strayed so far from their political platform.

I would like FactCheck to research the relationship between deficit spending and the fact that nearly 100% of the Republican members of Congress and Senate including our President had signed a "NO NEW TAX" pledge for the Americans for Tax Reform organization.

How can it even be legal for a member of Congress to make a pledge to a private organization promising to govern in a certain way?

Does it even make sense for a member of Congress to make a pledge to a private organization promising no new taxes when the future is unknown?

If these men and women had forseen 9/11 would they still have made that pledge? I wonder if Congress had not been hogtied by this pledge would they have raised taxes to pay for the war on terror?