Contrary to what the pollsters say, I'm for Obama. I'm an over sixty woman, live in rural Ohio and I hope Obama is our next President.
Obama represents the only transformative option we have.
If I don't have the opportunity to vote for Obama in November I will gladly vote for McCain. Look ahead and think about how much defending Clinton will need. 4 years of Clinton discord is too much to ask. We voters are fed up with all the divisiveness. Look at the mess she has already created about the Superdelegates. You can not convince me a Clinton White House would be any less divisive than her campaign has demonstrated thus far.
The Superdelegate mess shows Clinton living up to the complaint that Democrats spend too much money. Why not do the least costly, easiest and fairest solution? Seat the elected delegates at the convention and split their vote 50-50 between Clinton and Obama. By allowing the ELECTED delegates to be seated the FL-MI voters will be represented. But, the least costly solution isn’t good enough for Clinton. Does this reflect her attitude regarding her White House policies?
A do-over will not settle the matter anyway, the vote will be as close as it has been in the other 44 states. The only people a do-over helps is the folks who will make big bucks writing about it for the next several weeks.
Given a choice between Bush on estrogen or a Bush fraternal ‘brother’ with a respectable military history I’ll take the brother. This Democratic voter would rather be on offense than stuck with defending another Clinton.
Lies about Obama even go to his religion by Joel Connelly
Obama Accuses Clinton of DeceptionWashington Post by Perry Bacon Jr.
A fun thing to do : Delegate Calculator How Can Obama Or Clinton Win The Nomination? You Decide!