On March 18th, my husband and I watched Senator Obama offer America a new way to forge our future. We listened quietly as Senator Obama talked about a future rooted in the concepts of justice he grew up believing.
I understand the concept of justice for all. I believe in that concept. I just never put it into words in my thoughts. I lived it though, in small ways. Ways an ordinary woman can demonstrate. Like not following the norm while I was living in the south in the sixties. I never told a black woman to go to the back of the line, I just got in line behind her, which raised eyebrows in 1965. I guess I never really thought about this so completely. I just never thought I was better than anybody because my skin was white.
I thought I understood the dangers of a black man attempting to become the President of the United States. And silly me, I imagined the danger coming from bullets and knives. Many of my friends thought the same. One friend, a black woman, told me she was afraid to support Obama. I encouraged her to not miss the opportunity to help him win. Because win or lose, live or die, his campaign was worth it to him.
In these last few days conservatives have chosen to harpoon the Senator with words. And, NOT EVEN the Senator’s own words. I can hardly believe these conservatives are my fellow Americans. I can hardly believe these conservatives even believe in our Constitution. What part of the Constitution grants them the power to establish a litmus test concerning religion for any Presidential candidate? Remember Mitt Romney’s “Mormon” problem?
Two entities, the angry American and the conservative American have been a part of our society for decades. When the angry American found the microphone owned by the conservatives things changed. conservative radio hosts built an audience around anger and did not condemn injurious language. Bitterly scathing and caustic comment became the radio way of life. In effect, radio stirred the pot and nothing ever changed. Senator Obama threatens these men with his message of change.
There is a powerful effort coming from conservatives to inflict Barack Obama with a mortal wound. The hosts on cable news and radio, compliant to conservative demands, are doing all they can to kick Obama’s message to death. They pick apart the wording, demand Obama condemn his minister. Or, even worse, demand Obama 'get up and walk out of the church' turn his back on the place of worship he chose for himself and his family. Who do these conservatives think they are? Who declared conservatives were our masters?
The freedom to choose our religion is at the core of our American life. conservatives pervert the American Constitution when they name themselves the arbiters of religion. When conservatives grant themselves the power to judge our associations they may as well spit on the document we hold so dear.
excerpts from Obama’s speech:
“... Black anger ..proved counterproductive ... white resentments distracted attention from the real culprits of the middle class squeeze....
... This is where we are right now. It’s a racial stalemate we’ve been stuck in for years.”
Senator Obama is offering us a chance to turn the page.
Read Obama’s speech here: C-Span.org
Roger Simon - Politico.com Speech doesn't pander; does it explain?
CQ Politics - Obama: Controversies Shows Need to End Racial Divisions
Jonathan Martin - Politico.com GOP sees Rev. Wright as pathway to victory
National Archives The Charters of Freedom