I find it very troubling that we have distilled Wright's 35-year ministry to a few phrases; no context whatsoever has been offered or explored.....
by William A. Von Hoene Jr. Chicago Tribune, 3/26/08
Anderson Cooper 360 Blog - has provided some context:
It is a sad fact that Rev. Wright has been used by conservatives to further their aims.
Well, what if it happened to you? How would you defend yourself?
moving on:
I find it troubling to hear Hillary surrogates defend Clinton when they sound like lock step republicans circa 2001 - 2006. We were listening to
Chris Matthews when Joe Sestak was brought on in a segment titled “Grand delusions for Clinton” to defend Clinton. After listening to Joe Sestak I turned to Bill and said this guy not only drank the Kool-Aid, he took a bath in the stuff and he reminds me of all those Republicians who gave Bush everything he wanted.
Caution signal:
I would use the word delusional describing Clinton’s marriage. I mean, if she can convince herself to stay with a man who did that to her - more than once - what else can she delude herself about?
Her election chances maybe?
my own little delusion:
Over Easter weekend I actually thought maybe Clinton was thinking about quitting. If so, I thought, I hope she waits till after the 25th. That way, the cross over, chaos creating Republicans could not change their newly acquired Democratic registration.
She let me down.
Exclusive: Clinton Vows to Push On Time.com by Mark Halperin
Rush to register at Pa. deadline Philadelphia Inquirer By Angela Couloumbis and Kathleen Brady Shea Inquirer Staff Writers
and speaking of Rush:
Will someone tell me why it is OK for a radio announcer to use public airwaves to tell voters to commit an act that might involve breaking the law? Maybe Dan Abrams would like to answer this one. The Verdict Dan vs. Rush MSNBC
Also Reading:
Clinton misspoke about sniper fire CNN Politics.com
Southern Dem warns party to avert disaster Politico
Republicans Switching Sides at Voter Registration Deadline Pittsburgh Post Gazette by Karamagi Rujumba
Pennsylvania Department of State Current Voter Statistics link leads to an Excel document