Sunday, January 22, 2006

Re: Sen. Kennedy Speaks on Alito Nomination

#1 Sen. Kennedy about Samuel Alito:
I watched a lot of the Alito hearings. Everytime Samuel Alito entered the hearing room he had a boyish expectant look on his face. He walked like a man wearing inch thick rubber-sole shoes with his head tilted to the left and he seemed happy to be at the hearing. When he answered the questions his look betrayed one fact; that he is very able to think and talk about complicated intricate subjects and not give the onlooker a clue about his ultimate decision. He has that poker face look nailed.

On the call in shows, folks were complaining about Sen. Kennedy's 40 odd year old traffic accident that resulted in the death of a young girl. And if their point was that something that happened so long ago is not relevant today, I agree. I didn't understand why Sen. Kennedy was going after Alito for joining a club in his college years.

The only reason I could figure Sen. Kennedy pursued this question was that he wanted to show the conservatives their man may not be all they had hoped for. I got the distinct idea that Mr. Alito, DOJ job applicant, was just trying to make the 'right' impression. Which might indicate that only Justice Alito knows what he thinks about the issues of the day.