John McCain's Maverick ad suggests McCain and Palin are an updated version of the old knight and youthful dragon slayer fairy tale. That is what I think when I see it anyway. That said, however, the perception seems to be fixed in folks minds that the McCain-Palin team will change Washington. When I ask my Republican friends what change they are looking for, not one person has mentioned earmarks. So it doesn’t matter that Gov. Palin inflates her role in the bridge to nowhere process well beyond her actual responsibility. It doesn’t matter because the voters don’t care about this subject.
What the NEW maverick image does is give Republican voters a reason to not feel guilty about voting for Republicans AGAIN. McCain promises to change Washington and that is what Republican voters need to hear and see. In reality all he will succeed in doing if he is elected President, is give the GOP a new image, which will be as hollow and false as the compassionate conservative image G. Bush created in 2000.
Maybe the image makeover won't work this time. Compare the new Maverick image to the GOP Platform. The two are wildly out of sync.
I hope there are enough folks out there who will remember all the broken promises, all the lies, all the phony and overplayed boldness, the overspending, the torture, the recanted oath to protect and uphold the U.S. Constitution.
I live for the day when lies won’t be enough to win the office of the President of the United States.
A great CQ article:
Four Things You Need To Know About the 'Bridge to Nowhere'