Thursday, August 26, 2010

1st things 1st - feed pets then blog

today kind of sucks so far.  
As I was reading this article, my cats, geese, and doggie kept pestering me to give them their morning feed. Which is my own fault because I got them accustomed to being fed first thing.  Get the pets out of the way then the rest of the day will be clear sailing is my theory.  First, the cats kept running in the house every time I stepped outside. Which meant I had to turn around and go find the kitty before I could get on with whatever it was I had intended to do. It was my plan to turn the geese and chickens out and feed them later, (because I had this delicious NY Times article to read and digest ) but the geese were having none of that. The geese came up to the house and stood around at the fence squawking and otherwise exhibiting their peckish attitude. Doggie, Hannah, is under the table pawing my knee every few seconds to insure that I don't forget about her meal.
When I did get to read the article, I was struck by some of the training suggestions - as in - Look for houses with flags, they are instructed; their residents tend to be patriotic conservatives.
My flag flies because in my home we are patriotic Americans.  In fact, if being a tea party conservative means I have to be indoctrinated by the likes of Dick Armey and his flunky stooge trainers I'll pass. What a joke the so called independent tea party is.